Bourbon & Blues
Two Marines, a Citadel Grad and a Fireman walk into The Galerie...

Creating an impromptu celebration in the Bluegrass wouldn't have been the same without bourbon, blues, and crawfish beignets. Special thanks to Jonah Deaton and Jina LaFaray for capturing the day we spent honoring former Marines, a first responder and a very special groom-to-be.
So, however you drink your bourbon, raise your glass and join us in sending our best wishes to Jack and Dallas who tie the knot this Saturday - Cheers!
Photography: Jonah Deaton @jdphotographyky & Jina LaFaray @jinalafaryphotography
Venue: The Galerie @thegalerieky
Catering: Sweet Lilu's @sweet_lilus
Rentals: VenYou @venyoueventrentals
Custom Giftbasket: Mrs. Roger's Popcorn & Sweet Shoppe @mrsrogerspopcornandsweetshoppe
And just in to make the celebration a bit sweeter we had a surprise visit from the lovely bride-to-be!